After some thought, I decided to create a box that could house my summer friendship bracelets. This past summer was one of the absolute best times of my life. I spent a tremendous amount of time with my friends and we had an excellent time. During our time together we started making each other these bracelets, each with its own meaning, person, or place associated with it. After summer ended I wore the bracelets for a few weeks but before long they became dingy and started to deteriorate. I took them off and stored them in my room but I began to lose track of them and forget about them. So I intend to create a vessel in which they can stay safe, so I can keep my summer souvenirs safe for a very long time. I want to create a box that has an organic, water like quality, because most of our summer was spent at the pool. I also want to convey a sense of security and importance in my design.
Dimensions and Orthogonal Plans:
Final Box:
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